The first time we went, we massaged the elderly people’s
hands with lotion. Kendra and I got to
know a sweet lady with the name of Anne. This was the first time and was more of getting
to know the elderly.
Curly Haired Brunette on an Irish Adventure
Sunday, April 24, 2016
Tuesday, April 12, 2016
The Squad
cuddling in the cold |
Several of us have had some things go on back at home with family members that we each had to deal with, but we were not dealing with these problems by ourselves as we had 32 arms for hugs, 16 hearts for healing, and 32 ears for listening. There never has really been any drama, or mad bashes of fights, however, when eating, sleeping, traveling, hanging out and going to class with the same people, tensions can happen and tiny annoyances will occur, and even though at the end of these three months I am ready for a change in people, I know that not two weeks will pass and I will be missing these students.
Regans 21st surprise party |
My birthday dinner |
My birthday dinner continued.. |
studying together |
family football |
Fun Adventures |
walk to Spiddal |
Climbing crew |
Miranda's surprise hen party |
However, one thing that most definitely changes the mood is weather. On the one day where the sun shines and the skies are deep blue, more smiles and laughs are present. Some of the unique activities we all have done as a group together, include surprise birthday parties, potlucks, deeps sea fishing, surprise Hen party, football and frisbee, walking to the ocean at night, movie nights and going out on the town together. One night Kendra and I decided to walk to Galway and back which was a 5 hour walk in total. Well having long tangly hair at the time, I got fed up wit it, so we stopped at a local store on the way home, bought hair cutting scissors,bread and fancy cheese. That night, I handed the scissors to Kendra, and 3 minutes later I had short hair. The biggest key with these students is including everyone and no matter what, have fun, even if plans fall through. Without these amazing people, my study abroad experience would have been very different.
Tuesday, April 5, 2016
Westport has my heart. The scenery and all the water and greenery around Westport was picture perfect. When one would think of Ireland with rolling hills, grass, sheep and water, one is basically picturing Westport.
Wednesday, March 30, 2016
Cultural Differences
When walking into an office for an appointment, or someones house as a guest, in America, what is the first thing they may ask you? I guess it may depend on where you may be, but it usually goes like, do you want something to drink or often times there may be no offering. You just have to ask. Here on the Emerald Island however, they always try their best to be as kind and thoughtful. Not just a "Nebraska Nice" where they are doing it cause its the right thing to do, but because they are genuinely concerned and care about the well being of who is right in front of them. So, back to the first sentence, in america, depending on where you may be, you are maybe offered a drink. Here however, it is a genuine yet specific question of, would you like tea or coffee? Saying no, not an option, by the way. Tried that at the nursing home where we are doing our service project, and yet I still ended up with a cup of tea in front of me. The tea and coffee here however, is nothing like back at home. They are both so much richer with flavour and authenticity. Definitely say yes to that cup of tea or coffee, you would be missing out if you said no.
With that said, it just shows that culturally, the Irish behaviors tend to be more thoughtful. Now I have an american accent and possibly still, after living here 3 months, may look like a tourist, so it could be possible that they are only acting kind for that reason. I must say, the men over about say 40 are delightful. They are more than happier to help out and do it in a most gracious, loving way. From taxi drivers, to security guards, to wood carvers, to jewelers, to people passing by. They will tell you about their whole life story with no worry to time. I feel as though my description is not doing them justice. Come here and you will most definitely experience it. The women tend to keep to them selves on the other hand. By the way, do not be shocked if you get asked about Trump 2-10 times a day.
The Irish may have the stereotype of drinking all the time, which is true to some extent, however, the Irish are Hard workers. Over and Over again have we been told in our history class how hard the Irish work. After Witnessing the Lodge assistant owner and handy man, this statement is very true. His name is Jean Paul, J.P. for short. He knows so much information about traveling, finding good cheap transportation and when and when not to go to certain countries. He also, is always working whenever I see him around.
Sense of humor also, is their second language here. If you do not have any ounce of sarcasm, it could be rough trying to get around . They joke and occasionally a couple vulgar words may slip out, but in the most beautiful way. Not that I encourage this behavior, however, coming from an Irish man, it almost sounds like art, and not anything to be offended by.
I have always felt safe here in Ireland, I have not once felt unsafe. I can go on a walk in the country side by the cows and the rock walls and not have to worry about anything. Obviously, it is good to have that little light of caution in the back of your mind, however, culturally, I feel as though the people here were raised to enjoy life, be kind and have fun. I also love the way in which they live life so simply. Day to day life doesn't fly by here. They do not take good to people rushing them. I also see a lot of people exercising
and riding bikes, and walking a lot more.
Culturally, from where I was raised, in Nebraska, these seem as major differences to me. How a person was raised depends a lot on location, religion and many other factors. I most definitely love the fact that I have been able to be submerged in the culture for a prolonged time.
wood carver form Sligo |
The Irish may have the stereotype of drinking all the time, which is true to some extent, however, the Irish are Hard workers. Over and Over again have we been told in our history class how hard the Irish work. After Witnessing the Lodge assistant owner and handy man, this statement is very true. His name is Jean Paul, J.P. for short. He knows so much information about traveling, finding good cheap transportation and when and when not to go to certain countries. He also, is always working whenever I see him around.
my view on my morning or morning run... |
I have always felt safe here in Ireland, I have not once felt unsafe. I can go on a walk in the country side by the cows and the rock walls and not have to worry about anything. Obviously, it is good to have that little light of caution in the back of your mind, however, culturally, I feel as though the people here were raised to enjoy life, be kind and have fun. I also love the way in which they live life so simply. Day to day life doesn't fly by here. They do not take good to people rushing them. I also see a lot of people exercising
Culturally, from where I was raised, in Nebraska, these seem as major differences to me. How a person was raised depends a lot on location, religion and many other factors. I most definitely love the fact that I have been able to be submerged in the culture for a prolonged time.
Wednesday, March 16, 2016
History class is the designated color, as when I think of the color pink, I tend to think of a little crazy and bright; Which is how I would describe my History class. We tend to get into raging debates taking most of the class period. Our instructor is a little more careful about the topics he tends to ask us about now. Our Professor tries to relate Irish history to us as much as possible, knowing that we do not have all the Irish background history that most kids our age here, would have. We are talking about the Easter rising since it is the Centennial year of this monumental year of 1916. We also had a debate in one of the most famous Pubs in Galway. It is also very historical as it is called the Kings Head. It was named after the first king who was beheaded to stop the monarchy and start a democracy. It is an amazing feeling to learn something in class and then to go out the next day or so and see something you just talked about.
My literature class would be described as blue because blue is a mellow color. In literature class, we study a lot of different types of poetry, literature styles written by Irish authors and a couple different plays. This class can sometimes be lengthy as our professor is very into what he is teaching about. The poet we are studying a lot of is Yeats. When we went into Sligo for a weekend, we saw murals of Yeats' poems. We found out later that he was from the town of Sligo.
The homework load is pretty manageable. There is a lot of reading if you don't pace yourself. The books to choose from for Lit are really good books. It is nice to grab a book in your free time and sit down in the sun and just read and read and read.
The class room where we study is a nice little lounge with comfortable couches and red carpet . When the Wi-Fi is a little weak, we come inhere or we come in here just to hangout. We mostly do our work in our cabins, but when you need a change of scenery, this is the place to go.
The room where we have class is the hotel activity room. I like this room as it has wood en floors and antique style desk chairs. They have a pool table and a ping pong table. There is a big window in the front that gives off a lot of natural light for class.
Since our special topics class is the black board, it is the basis of all our classes. As we go out and see things on field trips, and our service projects, we are able to apply each color on our chalkboard.
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