When walking into an office for an appointment, or someones house as a guest, in America, what is the first thing they may ask you? I guess it may depend on where you may be, but it usually goes like, do you want something to drink or often times there may be no offering. You just have to ask. Here on the Emerald Island however, they always try their best to be as kind and thoughtful. Not just a "Nebraska Nice" where they are doing it cause its the right thing to do, but because they are genuinely concerned and care about the well being of who is right in front of them. So, back to the first sentence, in america, depending on where you may be, you are maybe offered a drink. Here however, it is a genuine yet specific question of, would you like tea or coffee? Saying no, not an option, by the way. Tried that at the nursing home where we are doing our service project, and yet I still ended up with a cup of tea in front of me. The tea and coffee here however, is nothing like back at home. They are both so much richer with flavour and authenticity. Definitely say yes to that cup of tea or coffee, you would be missing out if you said no.
wood carver form Sligo |
With that said, it just shows that culturally, the Irish behaviors tend to be more thoughtful. Now I have an american accent and possibly still, after living here 3 months, may look like a tourist, so it could be possible that they are only acting kind for that reason. I must say, the men over about say 40 are delightful. They are more than happier to help out and do it in a most gracious, loving way. From taxi drivers, to security guards, to wood carvers, to jewelers, to people passing by. They will tell you about their whole life story with no worry to time. I feel as though my description is not doing them justice. Come here and you will most definitely experience it. The women tend to keep to them selves on the other hand. By the way, do not be shocked if you get asked about Trump 2-10 times a day.
The Irish may have the stereotype of drinking all the time, which is true to some extent, however, the Irish are Hard workers. Over and Over again have we been told in our history class how hard the Irish work. After Witnessing the Lodge assistant owner and handy man, this statement is very true. His name is Jean Paul, J.P. for short. He knows so much information about traveling, finding good cheap transportation and when and when not to go to certain countries. He also, is always working whenever I see him around.
my view on my morning or morning run... |
Sense of humor also, is their second language here. If you do not have any ounce of sarcasm, it could be rough trying to get around . They joke and occasionally a couple vulgar words may slip out, but in the most beautiful way. Not that I encourage this behavior, however, coming from an Irish man, it almost sounds like art, and not anything to be offended by.
I have always felt safe here in Ireland, I have not once felt unsafe. I can go on a walk in the country side by the cows and the rock walls and not have to worry about anything. Obviously, it is good to have that little light of caution in the back of your mind, however, culturally, I feel as though the people here were raised to enjoy life, be kind and have fun. I also love the way in which they live life so simply. Day to day life doesn't fly by here. They do not take good to people rushing them. I also see a lot of people exercising

and riding bikes, and walking a lot more.
Culturally, from where I was raised, in Nebraska, these seem as major differences to me. How a person was raised depends a lot on location, religion and many other factors. I most definitely love the fact that I have been able to be submerged in the culture for a prolonged time.
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